Odds and Ends

Aug 30, 2009


Weekends are a great time for personal achievements outside of work. Like writing a kernel. Or discovering a new radioactive element. Or writing a poem. Or, as in my case, getting a haircut.

  • Wanted to try this new place. It seemed to have a good ambiance, and its staff wore uniforms. Sure they spelled "Gents" with a J, but I am not expecting them to have a PhD in English anyway.
  • The place was full. 6 people were waiting. "10 minutes, sir" said the barber and beckoned me inside. I walked in thinking this guy at least had a sense of humour.
  • The customers seemed to be spending a lot of time on the chair. One guy in particular, got a haircut, a shave, an oil massage, a face massage and a facial done to him. I wondered whether this guy had a rich uncle who had recently died.
  • The staff ordered tea and offered it to all the waiting customers. Touched as I was with this unprecedented act of courtesy, I politely said no, owing to the fact that the floor was full of other people's hair and the fan was on full blast.
  • After an hour, my turn finally came. I turned to the other waiting customers, laughed maniacally and said, "Ha! Take that you losers!". But not out loud.
  • Meanwhile the guy with the dead rich uncle was getting his face steamed. What a girl.
  • Took the chair and looked at my face in the mirror and thought that my hair was really not that long. Should have let it grow for a week longer. Oh well, too late now.
  • During the water spray, a drop of water landed on my nose and it started twitching.  The barber noticed this and grabbed a tissue and wiped my entire face. I was overcome with emotion at his thoughtfulness, but held back the tears as I didn't want to trouble the great man again.
  • Very talented guy he was. With just a few snips, he made my hair look really really good. Even my parents would agree later that I looked almost human.
  • Came home and blogged about it, all the while vaguely wondering why anyone would want to read this nonsense.